Offshore Power Electronics
Smartgrids laboratory
The combination of analytical and experimental work was also proposed for the project control tasks. Especially mentioned are the laboratory VSC converters provided for demonstrating converter operation in grids
Most of these converters are installed in what currently is referred as the SINTEF/NTNU Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grid Laboratory. It should be mentioned that the realization of the components in this laboratory has been achieved partly by the OPE project, and partly by other SINTEF external and internal projects.
The main achievements related to the Smargrids laboratory are summarized as follows:
- Operation of converter control hardware and software based on in-house developed FPGA platform
- Grid connected converters operating in parallel
- Operation of wind turbine emulator with back-to-back grid side and generator side converters
- Demonstration of Synchronous Reference Frame hysteresis current controllers under various operating conditions