The ultimate goal of EFFORT is to develop Energy Efficient technologies and solutions for offshore oil and gas production, and to promote implementation of these technologies offshore. This will result in more efficient power production, reduced energy use and thereby reduced CO2 emissions. The main scope is to investigate how the waste heat that is available on offshore facilities can be utilized more effectively.
In order to promote implementation of the new technology, the research focuses on offshore specific requirements. The most salient of which are low weight and compact size.
- Reduction of offshore CO2 release by 25%
- 63000 tonnes / year from bottoming cycle on gas turbine exhaust
- 6000 tonnes / year from the waste heat from gas compression train
- If bottoming cycles are implemented on all gas turbines on the NCS estimated 2.65 Million tons of reduced CO2 emissions per year.
- Reduction of global CO2 release by the same amount!
- Significant contribution towards reaching Norway's climate goals for 2050 and help meet 2020 goals which are 20% reduction.
The research in EFFORT is to a large extent based on case studies of real operating oil and gas platforms. Two on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and one for a FPSO operating in the Brazilian Basin.
- Energy-Efficiency Technologies for Reduction of Offshore CO2 Emissions
- Modelling and simulation of CO2 (carbon dioxide) bottoming cycles for offshore oil and gas installations at design and off-design conditions
- Tapt kraft til nytte
- Simultaneous Optimization of Power Cycle & Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger Parameters
- Offshore bottoming cycles challenges and possibilities
- EFFORT-poster brainstormed at ONS
- EFFORT presentation by Marit Mazzetti on Day 3 Centre Court Session on Offshore Energy Efficiency (video)
- Offshore Energy Efficiency Technologies
- Wasted Heat Regained
- The industrial partners of the project are: Statoil, Shell Technology, TOTAL, and PETROBRAS.
- SINTEF and NTNU are research partners with SINTEF as the project owner.
- Vendors: Alfa Laval, Wärtsilä, Dresser Rand and Halvorsen Tec.