The government wants to facilitate increased value of salmon and trout farming industry. In 2009 it produced 940,000 tonnes of salmon and trout in Norway to a landed value of more than 20 billion. The salmon and trout farming industry employs over 4000 people. In addition, the industry creates jobs in other industries, such as in the production of feed and equipment, sales and transportation.
It is estimated that approximately 20% of production in one way or another is processed in Norway, prior to export or sale on the domestic market. More than 90% of production is exported, and the value of exports of salmon and trout make up more than half of the total value of seafood exports from Norway.
The Government's vision is for Norway to become the world's leading seafood nation. Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs wishes to identify and assess the added value potential in the various stages of the value chain for salmon and trout in order to contribute to increased value in the industry.
The project will be conducted in cooperation with Kontali Analysis.
Added value potential in salmon and trout farming
Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs has initiated a study to look at the potential for increased added value in salmon and trout industry. The study will look at how value creation in the Norwegian aquaculture industry can be increased by increasing the value in the production of salmon and trout. The study will not focus on the potential of increasing the volume of production.

Key facts
Project duration
2011 - 2011