Project summary
Project focus
The project main focus has been on experimental works for assessing pressure tolerance of materials, components and live power circuits. In the project startup phase extensive dialogues were held with component manufactures discussing feasible packaging options for pressure tolerance and for delivery of test objects for live testing. Mostly focused were high voltage power semiconductors, power capacitors and IGBT drivers, but also other components assumed to be located in high-pressure liquid environment have been part of the scope. Such components are magnetic inductors and various sensors like for measuring voltage, current, temperature and humidity. Agreements were settled with several manufacturers for delivery of test objects for the experimental works. Especially mentioned is the valuable support from ELECTRONICON (film capacitors and capacitor materials) Infineon (High voltage IGBT modules and materials), and CONCEPT (IGBT drivers). They have provided relevant test objects for the live component and converter module experiments in pressurized environments, as well as consultancy support in connection with preparing the experiments and evaluating the results.