Topics proposed for further research
SINTEF is prepared to utilize the achieved competence and experience from the project by contributing to the realization of new reliable components and power distribution systems for the future subsea oil and gas exploiting projects as well as for other sectors demanding new technical solutions, such as subsea power grids for the renewable energy sector:
- By validation, verification, test and qualification of subsea pressure tolerant power electronics
- Of materials, components, circuits
- Exploiting established test equipment and methodologies
- Exploiting infrastructure and facilities of the SINTEF Energy lab/ subsea laboratory
- Presumably bilateral projects
- New and innovative converter packaging solutions
- Improved cooling solutions
- High pressure and high temperature materials, components and power circuits, e.g. for downhole (oil wells) applications
- Converter compaction.
- Presumably bilateral or joint industry projects
- New subsea converter applications enabled with pressure tolerant power electronics
- Development of converter prototypes
- Presumably bilateral or joint industry projects
- Pursue ideas for new test methodologies
- Testing electrical insulation properties in switching power electronics environments.
- Accelerated test validation with controlled acceleration parameters such as temperature, pressure and humidity
- Presumably bilateral or joint industry research projects