Special equipment provided by the project
Equipment for partial discharge testing of insulations in power electronics environment
- Conventional, optical and acoustic measurement
- High Voltage Amplifier
- Sinusoidal high voltage source
- Slow rise square wave high voltage source
- High speed camera for optical PD visualization
- Photomultiplier for optical PD detection
- Acoustic sensor for acoustic detection
Test setup including small pressure vessel for electric and optic PD measurement
Equipment for contamination control (Filters for liquids, flow bench)
Keyence microscope for inspection of cleanliness
Test cell (climate chamber) for long-term dielectric voltage stress in various insulation liquid environments
Infra-red (IR) - to monitor structural changes between the materials
Ultra Violet (UV) – To monitor colour changes
Isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) is a laboratory method for real-time monitoring and dynamic analysis of chemical, physical and biological processes
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Test setup for investigating possible erosion of thin capacitor PP-film metallization
Test cell for live experiments with capacitors in pressurized environment
Test circuit and cell for experiments with live converter modules in high pressure environment