The project was a knowledge building project and the achieved results are of high importance for the industry:
- Reduced salt in future food products: a clear correlation between amount of salting and processing conditions have been established.
- Modell and simulation: several approaches for simulation based evaluation of production conditions have been established.
- CT-scans: a valuable set of CT scans (over 50.000 pictures) were generated by the project and are available post-project for future R&D activities.
- Energy efficient production: the evaluated concepted of heat pump drying is used for other drying processes at higher temperatures and resulted in different Spin-Off activates.
- Characterization of the ripening by LC-MS based analyses (metabolite profiling and proteomics) have provided new information about the time profiles of the ripening and the generation of proteolysis products.
- The un-targeted metabolite profiling by LC-MS is a useful tool to follow the ripening, either as quality control or in development of new products or processes. The method is particularly useful in comparative studies.
- Product quality: specific marker components were determined which can be used in future activities for benchmarking and quality control.
- Process control: a concept for an early stage determination of the proteolytic potential of hams was suggested for further R&D activities.