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IMPACTS - The impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour

Synthesis and recommendations - SP3

Objective: The main objective of SP3 is to synthesise the results of the project and to make them easily available to the users, both to the IMPACTS partners and the CCS community.

Contact: , TNO

The SP3 objective will be achieved by summarizing the obtained results (collected and acquired experimental data, developed models, and quantified operational and safety impacts of impurities) to form a common platform for the IMPACTS toolbox (WP3.2) and further by interpreting the results and deriving the recommendations for safe and reliable design and operation of the CO2 infrastructure (WP3.1) as well as formulating the guidelines for the implementation of the project findings (WP3.3).

SP3 work packages (lead partner in brackets):

  • WP3.1 Overall assessment of impacts of CO2 quality (SINTEF-ER)
  • WP3.2 Technical knowledge base for CO2 transport and storage (TNO)
  • WP3.3 Implementation of results (DNV)

SP3 team:

  • RUB
  • TNO
  • PEL
  • ISPE
  • DNV

with support of all partners