IMPACTS - The impact of the quality of CO2 on transport and storage behaviour
Techno-economic assessment of CO2 chains - SP2
The primary objective of SP2 is to evaluate the effects of CO2 quality on the design and operation of CO2 transport and geological storage infrastructure with focus on the technical, economical and safety issues.
Contact: Charles Eickhoff, Progressive Energy Limited
The work will be based on the improved knowledge of fundamental properties and behaviour of relevant CO2 mixtures gained under SP1 and will form the basis for deriving the project recommendations in SP3.
The SP2 objective will be achieved by the means of experimental investigations of the impacts of CO2 quality in pilot rigs and verification against field data (WP2.1) as well as theoretical techno-economic analysis (WP2.2) and risk assessment (WP2.3) of specified case studies.
SP2 work packages (lead partner in brackets):
- WP2.1 Operational and material effects of impurities in CO2 streams (CIUDEN)
- WP2.2 Techno-economic analyses of impacts of CO2 quality (PEL)
- WP2.3 Risk assessment (DNV)
SP2 team: