Ultrasonic methods open for well integrity inspection with high spatial resolution. The available methods bring forward huge amount of data, while there is still uncertainty on the interpretation of these data. The uncertainty can be since material parameters of typical materials in the well are not commonly available, but also how the measurement results are influenced by non-optimal conditions as e.g. tool excentering.
New knowledge on parameters of a set of materials
In the project SINTEF will contribute with new knowledge on parameters of a set of materials through laboratory measurements in realistic conditions. Further, a simulation model will be built in Comsol Multiphysics, where measurements in a multi casing situation can be studied. Such a model can be used to study variations of materials, instrumentation, misalignment of the tool and other effects.
Measure alternative material
In the project it will also be explored how alternative material parameters, could be measured. The alternative parameters could be e.g., ultrasonic absorption/attenuation or nonlinear elasticity.

M. Viggen, T. F. Johansen, and I.-A. Merciu, ‘Simulation and inversion of ultrasonic pitch-catch through-tubing well logging with an array of receivers’, NDT & E International, vol. 85, pp. 72–75, Jan. 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.ndteint.2016.10.008.