WP4 Comparative capture process analysis
The objective of WP4 is to compare the CO2 capture technologies that are investigated in CEMCAP with respect to factors such as energy consumption, cost and retrofitability.
A reference cement plant with MEA CO2 capture is being simulated and used as base case. Further, models of the four capture technologies investigated in CEMCAP integrated with the reference cement plant will be developed. Energy use by the CO2 capture unit, CO2 emissions, and cost will be calculated for each technology. The retrofitability of the technologies will be evaluated, by estimating footprint, influence on the production process and product quality, extent of necessary construction work, etc. Eventually, the different capture technologies will be compared with respect to the key performance indicators defined in WP3.
Experimental results from WP7-12 will be taken into account in the process simulations as far as possible. Furthermore, WP4 will provide feedback to WP7-12 whenever relevant results are obtained.
The project partners that are involved in WP4 are SINTEF Energy Research, Italcementi, Norcem, GE Power, ETHZ, Politecnico di Milano and VDZ.