- Hydrogen liquefaction, storage and long-distance transport. Presentation by David Berstad at the Deep-dive workshop Innovation challenge 8 on hydrogen
- Hyper promoted by SINTEF and NTNU during the Arendal Week 2017 under the four main energy and climate recommendations to national politicians
- The Hyper project was presented at the Japan-Norway Hydrogen Seminar in Tokyo, 28 February 2017.
- Fossil hjelp til grønt skifte
- SINTEF-blogg (in Norwegian): Ambisiøse planer for hydrogen i Japan
- Hyper WP3 leader Prof. Dr. Øivind Wilhelmsen receives prestigious award from the Research Council of Norway.
- Sysla Grønn: Nå kan Norge få storstilt produksjon av hydrogen
- Energi og Klima: Hydrogenvei til Japan
Scientific articles and presentations:
- Comparing exergy losses and evaluating the potential of catalyst-filled plate-fin and spiral-wound heat exchangers in a large-scale Claude hydrogen liquefaction process
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2020), G. Skaugen, D. Berstad and Ø. Wilhelmsen - Dissecting the exergy balance of a hydrogen liquefier: Analysis of a scaled-up claude hydrogen liquefier with mixed refrigerant pre-cooling
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2020), D. Berstad, G. Skaugen and Ø. Wilhelmsen - Large-scale production and transport of hydrogen from Norway to Europe and Japan: Value chain analysis and comparison of liquid hydrogen and ammonia as energy carriers
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2020), Y. Ishimoto, M. Voldsund, P. Nekså, S. Roussanaly, D. Berstad and S. O. Gardarsdottir - Decarbonization synergies from joint planning of electricity and hydrogen production: A Texas case study
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2020), E. F. Bødal, D. Mallapragada, A. Botterud and M. Korpås - Large-Scale Hydrogen Production and Liquefaction for Regional and Global Export. International Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Conference, Trondheim, May 14-15 2018
- Reducing the exergy destruction in the cryogenic heat exchangers of hydrogen liquefaction processes.
International journal of hydrogen energy, (2018), Ø. Wilhelmsen, D. Berstad, A. Aasen, P. Nekså and G. Skaugen - Optimal Operation of Large Scale Flexible Hydrogen Production in Constrained Transmission Grids with Stochastic Wind Power.
E. F. Bødal and M. Korpås. Presented at EERA DeepWind 2018.
- Local conversion of wind power to other energy carriers is very interesting by Magnus Korpås at HYPER kick-off
- Hydrogenvei til Japan (Energi og Klima)
- Presentation of the Kawasaki hydrogen road by Seiichi Sugawa during HYPER kick-off