By assembling existing and new multiphase flow data from laboratories at different scale, we will improve the understanding of specific parameters in scaling rules and thereby enable better field design and reduced cost of field development and operation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Previous studies have shown the importance of matching density ratio for scaling purposes, and new studies may establish knowledge of the importance of other parameters as the interfacial tension.
Even if uncertainty quantification in computations and simulation tools has surged over the last 10-15 years, little work has been done in the context of multiphase flow in pipelines. We aim here to define a systematic methodology for assessing uncertainties in 1D simulation tools for multiphase pipe flow, with focus on scaling effects.
This is a KPN project financed by the Norwegian Research Council within Petromaks2 and it is a spin-off of the Mutliflow JIP One PhD candidate and one postdoc will be educated as part of the project.