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Integrated Airport Operations (SESAR PJ 28 IAO)

Project PJ 28, A Very Large Demonstration (VLD) project, will demonstrate the benefits that specific promising SESAR solutions will bring in a large and two mid-size airports, where traffic congestion daily takes place during the peak season and where new SESAR solutions are expected to assist controllers in their duty.

PJ 28 will play an active role in the de-risking of the later deployment phase by demonstrating the operational and technical readiness of the SESAR solutions covered in this project and thus ensure trust in the SESAR results.

PJ 28 is covering four detailed functionalities aiming at: • Improving airport safety; • Improving runway throughput; • Reducing fuel consumption; • Reducing overall delays on the airport; and • Improving airport capacity.

SINTEF is developing methods and software for dynamic, coordinated arrival, departure, and surface management, using the SINTEF ATC Optimisation Library (MADMAN)

Key facts

Project start


This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731787