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CREATE-IoT - Cross fertilisation through alignment, synchronisation, and exchanges for IoT

CREATE-IoT aimed to stimulate collaboration between IoT initiatives, foster the take-up of IoT in Europe, and support the development and growth of IoT ecosystems based on open technologies and platforms.

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The project coordinated and supported the IoT large-scale pilots (LSP) in sustaining the ecosystems through mapping the pilot architecture approaches, addressing interoperability, and standards approach at technical and semantic levels for object connectivity, protocols, data formats, privacy, security, trusted IoT, open APIs and share the road-mapping with international initiatives.

The programme included five LSPs: ACTIVAGE, AUTOPILOT, IoF2020, MONICA, SYNCHRONICITY, and two coordination and support actions U4IoT and CREATE-IoT and involved more than 250 organisations from 19 European countries addressing over 80 use cases that created opportunities for entrepreneurs, expanding local businesses to European scale, and supports the development of secure and sustainable European IoT ecosystems.

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Project duration

2017 - 2020


EU H2020

Project type


CREATE-IoT project official website

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