ELEGANCY – Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS
H2-CCS chain tool and evaluation methodologies for integrated chains – WP4
ELEGANCY will enable the evaluation of integrated H2-CCS chains with respect to technological and economic efficiency, operability and environmental impact. To this end, WP4 will
- Develop an open-source systems modelling framework ith a steady-state design mode and a dynamic operational mode.
- Develop multiscale models and an integrated modelling approach for the chain components in-corporating results from WP1 and WP2.
- Apply the methodology in conjunction with the case studies in WP5 with respect to (i) the poten-tial time evolution of the system and (ii) integrated assessments of proposed designs.
WP4 forms a link between the research done in WPs 1, 2 and 3 and the case studies performed in WP5.
ELEGANCY H2-CCS chain evaluation tool.
WP4 consists of the following tasks.
- Task 4.1: Define specifications for the open-source multi-scale systems modelling framework for H2-CCS chain tool and evaluation (ICL, SINTEF, PSI, TNO, RUB)
- Task 4.2: Define performance metrics (process, economic and environmental) for integrated assess-ment (PSI, ICL, SINTEF, TNO, RUB)
- Task 4.3: Build detailed process and models of all components in H2-CCS chain (ICL, SINTEF, RUB, TNO)
- Task 4.4: Develop a metamodelling approach to generate for different components of the H2-CCS chain for use in steady state design mode and dynamic operation mode (SINTEF, ICL, PSI, TNO)
- Task 4.5: Integration of component models into system models and deliver overall design and opera-tional toolkit for H2-CCS chain (ICL, SINTEF, RUB, PSI, TNO)
Contact: , Imperial College London
Research-performing partners: ICL, SINTEF, PSI, RUB, TNO
Published software can be accessed via the ELEGANCY GitHub.