Main objective:
Development of CFD aided design tools and operational guidelines for optimum grate fired BtE and WtE plant operation through:
- Model development: improved fuel/fuel bed and gas release models, heat-exchanger deposition models and reduced kinetics models (NOx); and validation of these
- Simulations: transient and steady state CFD simulations of BtE and WtE plants; and validation
- Concept improvements: BtE and WtE plant case studies selection, setup, simulations and analysis, giving design and operational guidelines
- Develop improved fuel, gas and particle sub-models to be included in the CFD simulations
- Develop numerical tools that are tailored to study concept improvements for grate fired BtE and WtE plants, with focus on emission reduction, combustion performance, energy efficiency and availability
- Obtain operational and retrofitting guidelines for optimum operation of grate fired BtE and WtE plants
- Education
- Dissemination