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CO2LOS - CO2 ship transport - new solutions

The CO2LOS projects focuses on ship transport of CO2. CO2LOS was started as a small-scale initiative from Brevik Engineering AS and SINTEF and investigated the potential for ship transport in CCS- and possible pathways to reduce the cost of CO2 transportation. The work showed that more investigation was needed, and several partners joined in an application that was submitted to CLIMIT.

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Copyright: Brevik Engineering

In 2018, Brevik Engineering AS and SINTEF AS made a short study (CO2LOS I) to see what had been done in other project regarding ship transportation of CO2, and what was the knowledge gap to accelerate this transportation form. This project was funded by Brevik Engineering, SINTEF and CLIMIT. In 2019, CO2LOS II started with several partners- aiming to reduce the cost of CO2 ship transportation by utilizing new technology and investigate optimization possibilities in the logistic chain. The result of CO2LOS II was a toolbox where 13 different work packages was included and several aspects within ship transport of CO2 was analysed.  The final CO2LOS II report is free to be downloaded here.

Based on the knowledge and results from CO2LOS II, we increased our partner consortium and focused on some of the areas that had been discussed in the project. CO2LOS III started in 2021, and gives a deeper dive in both cost models, design of ships and terminals, zero emission shipping and investigation of possibility of reducing manning or have an unmanned floating injection unit.  CO2LOS III was finalized in 2023, and an open report can be downloaded here.  Some of our work is also presented in papers and presentations for instance the GHGT- 16 conference. 

Both CO2LOS II and CO2LOS III consider issues needed to be addressed in order to reduce the cost for CO2 ship transportation. The projects seek to fill the gap between research and specific CCS projects and will as such focus on technology transfer rather than technology development. The overall aim is to provide knowledge of how new shipping technology can enhance CO2 logistics to make it a viable solution to transport CO2 for CCS

CO2LOS IV builds upon the foundation laid by previous projects, CO2LOS II (2018-2020) and CO2LOS III (2021-2023). The project’s primary goal is to reduce costs and uncertainties associated with CO2 transport, thereby stimulating industry interest, and creating more opportunities for CCS as an emissions-reducing solution. The project commences by providing in-depth descriptions of four distinct cases related to CO2 transport.

Project owner is  Brevik Engineering AS, and funding is from CLIMIT.

Below you can see how the CO2LOS projects are divided into work packages.

For more information, see the final reports available here

CO2LOS IV work packages

  • WP1 Define four different CCS chains
  • WP2 Further develop the cost tool used in CO2LOS III 
  • WP3 Address a case with multiple sources in Europe
  • WP4 Investigate a case involving return cargo
  • WP5 Study long-distance CO2 transport
  • WP6 Will be defined once the other work packages are underway

CO2LOS III workpackages:

  • WP 1 Cost model for ship and pipeline
  • WP2 Design of large CO2 ship ( ~50 000t)
  • WP3 Design of floating terminals
  • WP 4 Zero emission shipping
  • WP 5 Investigation of unmanned SFI
  • WP6  Batchwise injection
  • WP 7 Class code and regulations

CO2LOS II workpackages:

  • WP1 CO2 Conditions and Design Basis​
  • WP2 Ship Technology ​
  • WP3 Logistics, Terminal and Port Technology ​
  • WP4 Offshore unloading ​
  • WP5 Logistics GHG impact​
  • WP6 Low pressure design​
  • WP7 CO2 capture onboard
  • WP8 Ship Tanks beyond prescriptive Class Rules
  • WP9 Multipurpose use of ships
  • WP10 Offshore unloading
  • WP11 Floating liquefaction facility
  • WP12 Carbon Limits database
  • WP13 Benchmarking Northern Lights

Key Factors

Project duration

2018 - 2025