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CO2LOS - CO2 ship transport - new solutions


CO2LOS II and CO2LOS III considers issues needed to be addressed in order to reduce the cost for CO2 ship transportation. The projects seeks to fill the gap between research and specific CCS projects and will as such focus on technology transfer rather than technology development. The overall aim is to provide knowledge of how new shipping technology can enhance CO2 logistics to make it a viable solution to transport CO2 for CCS.


Carbon Capture and Storage is addressed by IEA as one of the key technologies of reaching the Paris agreement 2oC goal. In the IEA 2oC scenario, 1 gigaton/y CO2 will need to be captured by 2030 which needs ramping up to 5 gigaton/y in 2045. Large scale CCS will require large scale transport of CO2. The CO2LOS projects (2018-2025) investigates ship transport of CO2.  One of the main findings from the projects have been that a limited number of large ships tend to be more cost effective than several small ones, also when the cost of intermediate storage in both ends of the logistics value chain is included. (see report CO2los III).    According to the work done so far in the projects, large ships will also provide better regularity in harsh sea environment, and this is particularly important when unloading CO2 offshore.


The scope of CO2LOS III is to reduce the cost of CO2 transportation by investigating design of large CO2 ships ( >50 kt) and design of floating/mobile terminals for condition/storage before transport. A cost model for pipe/ship cost is developed. In addition, aspects of zero emission shipping, low pressure transport, code regulations and batchwise injection are investigated.

The project had 11 partners, and started in Nov 2021 and finalized in April 2023. The project is funded by our partners and CLIMIT.

Figure 1. CO2LOS III Overview