CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) is nowadays considered a viable option to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. In this context, the Norwegian Continental Shelf has enormous volumes of potential storage space for CO2 in saline aquifers, offering a unique business opportunity for Norwegian industry.
The storage and monitoring are parts of the value chain where significant cost reduction is required. The reliability of monitoring technology is also crucial for the public acceptance of CCS, especially in case of large-scale storage and import of CO2 from other European countries. Consequently, the cost of a comprehensive monitoring program covering the different phases of a storage project could quickly become prohibitively high, if not carefully optimised.
By providing additional, yet essential, earth parameters, CSEM can contribute to better constrained estimates of property changes caused by CO2 injection.
Research partners
- Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)
- University of Oslo (UiO)
- University of Southampton
- Partners of the NCCS consortium
The project is financed by: CLIMIT / The Resarch Council of Norway.
Project No. 295212.