Soft magnets are basic constituents in smart devices which are important for digitising our society, boosting circular economy and a global renewable energy system. However, non-ideal magnetic properties may lead to fatigue and loss of efficiency or even mechanical failure. HEAs are materials with unexplored compositional fields which may offer unexpected and promising properties and functionalities compared to existing soft magnets.
- Achieve permeability in the order of 106, coercivity < 1 Am-1 in both plane axes, magnetization saturation of ≈ 2T and magnetostriction in both directions < 1 ppm, accumulated residual stresses < 10 MPa and a spatial 3-D distribution gradient < 1%.
- Identify and optimise critical parameters for producing suitable compositions and shapes of HEA soft magnets with additive manufacturing and post processing treatment.
- Establish health and safety protocols for HEA powders in line with responsible research and innovation (RRI) principles and life cycle considerations in existing national and European directives.
- Promote theoretical and methodological renewal and national competence in magnetic materials research.
- Create first-principles tools for exploration of entropy-stabilized alloys.

Project partners:
- SINTEF: Ole M. Løvvik, Patricia A. Carvalho, Branson Belle, Matthias Schrade, Spyros Diplas (Material Physics-Oslo), Amin S Azar (Material Processing and Modelling)
- University of Oslo: Anette E Gunnæs, Pavlo Mikheenko, (Department of Physics)
- Technical University of Athens: Evangelos Hristoforou
- University of Manchester: Thomas Thomson
- Slovak Academy of Sciences: Peter Svec
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Niina Jalarvo
Industrial Advisors: Elkem, Giamag Technologies, Manufacturing Technology Norwegian Catapult, Quintus
PhD Student: A PhD student will be employed by the University of Oslo by the end of September 2019
Total budget: 11196 kNOK
The project is funded (9970 kNOK) by the Research Council of Norway's by Nano2021 Program