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We all communicate extensively through image- and videobased solutions. The need to use such information is increasing also within the health service system. A textual description is not ideal for documenting the assessment of the physiotherapist, which often consists of complex observations. In the VideoFYS project we will investigate how the use of video can be integrated in physiotherapist work as they diagnose, treat and follow children and adolescents.

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Photo: Modum kommune

Current practice today is that notes in medical records, referrals and communication in and across involved services are solely based on text. To enable video storage and sharing as a supplement to textual documentation would therefore be of significant value. However, no solution for such use
exists that accommodates privacy regulations and data security. Thus, VideoFYS will address the following four areas:

  • New methods of patient consultations.
  • Changing work practice in the physiotherapy services in municipalities and hospitals.
  • Requirements for a new solution for video and interaction with the professional service system in municipal and specialist health services.
  • Protection of privacy and data security when sharing and storing.

A major challenge for innovation projects in the health sector is that they rarely lead to a permanent change in work practice. In VideoFYS, a key element of the innovation is therefore to facilitate and evaluate changed practice, in order to create lasting value for both service providers and recipients. VideoFYS will document what works and what does not work, what inhibits and promotes innovation, what success criteria and the impact of the innovation on service quality and efficiency. The research questions targeted in this project have the potential to be broadened to municipalities and health services nationwide, as well as to other disciplines.

Key facts

Project duration

2020 - 2023


The Research Council of Norway


Modum kommune (project owner), OsloMet, Municipalities of Krødsherad and Kongsberg, Drammen hospital – habilitation, Sunnaas hospital HF, Brita Norrud Rideterapi, Posico

Project type