CircWtE - Waste-to-Energy and Municipal Solid Waste management systems in Circular Economy
Results from CircWtE
- Birgen, C., Grytli, T. & Becidan, M. Scenario analysis tool for estimating future waste composition and amounts toward a circular economy. J Mater Cycles Waste Manag 26, 2724–2740 (2024).
- Mattson, K.R., Pettersen, J.B. & Brattebø, H. Incineration economy: Waste management policy failing the circular economy transition in Norway. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 210 (2024).
- Grytli, T. & Birgen, C. Enabling circularity: Analysis of factors influencing MSW sorting behaviour in Central Norway. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 52, 2143-2148 (2023).
- Grytli, T. & Birgen, C. A Critical Look at Waste Composition Analyses: Challenges and Opportunities. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 52, 2149-2154 (2023).
- Mattson, K.R., Lauritsen, L.L. & Petterson, J.B. Electronic waste treatment flows in Norway: Investigating recycling rates and embodied emissions. Detrius 25, 54-64 (2023).
- Wang, L., Birgen, C. & Becidan, M. 2020-2035 Scenarios for a Large City. Chemical Engineering Transactions 105, 547-552 (2023).
- Magnanelli, E., Birgen, C. & Becidan, M. Current Municipal Solid Waste Management in Large City and Evaluation of Alternative Management Scenarios. Chemical Engineering Transactions 98, 225-230 (2023).
- Birgen, C. & Becidan, M. Towards a Circular Economy for Plastic Packaging: Current Practice and Perspectives in the City of Oslo. Chemical Engineering Transactions 92, 121-126 (2024).