In recent decades, technological development has contributed to the disappearance of labor-intensive jobs from coastal communities, but targeted digitization of the coast can strengthen the development of jobs and services where people live. For the municipalities, it is, and will in future be, demanding to offer services with good quality that are financially sustainable. The business community, like the municipalities, experiences a shortage of labor as a significant challenge for further growth and development.
The qualification project is based on the following basic, and mutually dependent, challenges:
- the business community is dependent on utilizing digital technology to strengthen profitability and competitiveness. Competence in this area must be raised among management and employees, and companies must be able to recruit competent labor
- the municipalities are dependent on utilizing digital technology to ensure a sustainable range of services, and the competence in this area must be raised among the management, all employees, users and citizens
- an efficient and sustainable system for efficient transport of goods and people is crucial. Digital technology must be utilized to develop a cost-effective and environmentally friendly service that covers the needs of residents, the municipalities and the business community.
The qualification project shall, based on identified needs, opportunities and barriers, identify a structure for an increase in digital competence levels and form the basis for a main project where the goal is further development of the structure, identification and realization of innovations.