A goal of iClimaBuilt is to give European companies access to lab facilities for developing, upscaling and testing their own innovative materials to be used for the outer shells ("envelopes") of Zero Energy Buildings.

The iClimaBuilt project is funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program. The project uses advanced characterization equipment and computer simulations to develop improved building components like highly insulating wall panels and windows which can filter the indoor air.
By building better houses and using natural or waste materials, the project aims to reduce humanity's negative environmental impact. New materials like aerogels are used for increasing the insulating properties. Once the materials have been characterised and shown to fulfil the desired specifications, they are put together into usable units which are tested in real buildings around Europe.
Through this work, the iClimaBuilt consortium has gained wide experience in making and measuring several types of innovative building components. Results from the tests are stored in a common database.