NCS C+ – The Norwegian Continental Shelf: A Driver for Climate-Positive Norway
NCS C+ kick-off: Project for negative emissions launches in Trondheim

On 24 June 2023, the project had its kick-off event in Trondheim. While some attendees joined over Microsoft Teams, the majority were able to attend in person.
Each of the six work package leaders had an opportunity to present their work and explain how it will contribute to NCS C+’s overall goal.

“This kick-off is a key step in bringing the whole NCS C+ team together in order to better understand the critical combination of the work that will be undertaken to meet the 1.5˚C-target, as well as the importance of supporting the development of four climate-positive solutions considered in NCS C+,” said Simon Roussanaly, research scientist at SINTEF Energy Research and leader of the NCS C+ project.
NCS C+ is a Knowledge-building Project for Industry, funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) and associated with the Green Platform project LINCCS. As such, representatives from both LINCCS and NFR were in attendance and had the opportunity to present and offer words of encouragement.