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ProMoTun - Productivity Monitoring in Tunnelling

ProMoTun aims to develop a data driven application for collecting and analysing productivity data from tunnel construction.

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The abundancy of data collection systems and user interfaces complicates an analysis of productivity in tunnelling activity. Valuable performance information is overseen due to the scattered and fragmented practice of today. The technology is, however, in place to realize the opportunity of developing and commercialising a data driven application.

Access to data, ICT needs, industry preferences and interests in ProMoTun will be investigated, and a concept technology formulation will be established. The objectives of ProMoTun in the long run is to give insights into the managing of the whole machinery park as well as knowledge of each individual machine, improve decision making, allow for more realistic project planning – creating a foundation for the journey towards automated and autonomous operation of the machines. 

ProMoTun will also give builders and contractors a better basis for discussing the tunnel construction process and thus lead to a reduced number of disputes.

Key Factors

Project duration

2020 - 2021

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