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CaReScreen: A clinical decision support system for cancer rehabilitation

In CaReSceen, we will develop a clinical decision support system that would ensure that cancer patients in need of rehabilitation are offered adequate rehabilitation services at the right time at the point of care.

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A future eco system for cancer rehabilitation

Cancer rehabilitation services are underutilized, and cancer patients are frequently lost to follow-up at the intersections of care sectors. The innovation idea of CaReScreen is to create a future eco system for cancer rehabilitation consisting of a clinical decision support system, new rehabilitation services and a new service model including altered work practices and stakeholder communication and collaboration practices. The core of the system is the digital clinical decision support tool that will support timely triage to appropriate rehabilitation care in the primary and specialist health care service based on assessment of patient’s needs and medical and societal risk factors through a combination of registry, patient-reported and clinical data.

Aid for clinical decision-making

CaReScreen will be a direct aid for clinical decision-making, in which the characteristics of an individual patient are matched to a computerized clinical knowledge base, and patient-specific assessment or recommendation are then presented to the clinician and/or patient for a decision.

Development of a knowledge base

SINTEF contributes in several of the work packages in the project, including development of a knowledge base, development and testing of the digital decision support tool, registry data analysis and feasibility and validation studies.

Photo: Unicare Røros

Key facts

Project duration

2022 - 2026


The Research Council of Norway


Unicare, St. Olavs Hospital, NTNU, Forskningsstiftelsen Fafo, Oslo University Hospital, The Centre for Health Innovation, CheckWare, and Norwegian Cancer Society.

Project type

Health pilot

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