MetCCUS aims to solve the key metrology challenges for CCUS identified by industry and it will provide the Primary Standards, methods, good practice guides and literature reviews that they require to successfully grow a CCUS industry in Europe.
MetCCUS - Metrology Support for Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage
MetCCUS is a metrology project with focus on CCUS.
Contact person

Key facts
Project duration
2022 - 2025
Project website:
This project is financed by European Partnership on Metrology, EU grant # 21GRD06.
- Air Liquide
- CMI - Czech metrology institute
- DFM - Danish National Metrology Institute
- DNV Netherlands
- DTU - Technical University of Denmark
- Force Technology
- GERG - The European Gas Research Group
- INRIM - Italian National Metrology Institute
- IPQ - Instituto Portugues da Qualidade
- Justervesenet
- Nova University Lisbon
- NPL (UK National Physical Laboratory)
- PTB- National Metrolosy Institute
- RISE - Research Institute of Sweden
- RUB - Ruhr University Bochum
- SINTEF Energi
- UNITO - University of Torino
- UVA - University of Valladolid
- VSL - National Metrology Institute