WP1 Review of studies that reduce fuel consumption and seabed contact
Objectives: Review of studies and modifications that (i) improve the fuel efficiency of fishing gear and (ii) reduce the bottom contact of fishing gear.
Objectives: Review of studies and modifications that (i) improve the fuel efficiency of fishing gear and (ii) reduce the bottom contact of fishing gear.
Objectives: The development of scale modelling criteria for demersal trawls so that experiments conducted in flume tanks and towing tanks can be accurately interpreted at the full scale.
Objectives: Quantification of the hydrodynamic- and contact forces of bottom contacting gear components.
Objectives: The development of a demersal single-trawl characterising Mediterranean bottom trawl fisheries. It will be designed for sandy substrate and will reduce fuel consumption, minimise seabed contact and gear drag, while maintaining catch rates...
Objectives: The development of a demersal twin-trawl on muddy substrate that reduces fuel consumption, minimises seabed contact, and gear drag, while maintaining catch rates of the target species.
Objectives: Environmental assessment of the low impact gear developed in WP4 and WP5.
Objectives: Socio-economic assessment of the low impact gear developed in WP4 and WP5.
Objectives: The management of the project and the dissemination of results to the public and stakeholders.