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Big Pressure - Hybrid modelling with machine learning for overpressure and mud weight prediction

5-7 March, 2024, presentation at IADC/SPE, Galveston, Texas

Research Manager Ane Lothe. Photo: SINTEF

Presentation at IADC/SPE in Galveston, Texas, in March. 5-7 March 2024

  • Lothe, A.E., Roli, O.-A., Skogestad,J.O., Cerasi, P., Boukili, M., Kristiansen, T.G., Grøver,- A. and Wølstad-Knudsen,S. : Real-time Automated Pore Pressure And Wellbore Stability Updates In A Digital Twin, Using Smart Agents And Log Predictions Ahead Of Bit, Example From Norwegian Continental Shelf