SwoP - Impact of switched voltage waveforms on power components and grids
Work Packages
WP 1: Partial Discharge initiation and detection
- Initiation of PD: Understand and experimentally verify impact of statistical time lag, space charge and SCLF for initiation of PD to develop reliable factory testing of components.
- Detection and characterization of PD under ns rise time stresses: Develop methods using electrical, VHF/UHF and optical signal acquisition to detect and characterize PD under nanosecond rise time stresses.
- On-line PD detection system for noisy environments: A measuring system using the most promising sensor technologies and digital signal processing will be implemented in a system for measuring PD under PEC stresses in relevant environments.
WP2: Long term degradation and reliability
- Liquid insulation systems: Investigate degradation over time in silicone gel and impregnated insulation for transformers to provide knowledge about long term degradation and probability of failure in liquid insulation systems.
- Solid insulation systems: This task will investigate degradation on surfaces and internal defects in solid insulation systems.
Test object geometry/combined insulation systems: Investigate how materials and model testing can be used to predict reliability in more complex components. - Classification of defects: Use quantitative, statistical, hybrid, and data driven methods for interpretation and classification of partial discharge activity.
WP 3: High frequency, high strength electric field detection (PhD)
- Novel methods for EM-field detection: Develop methods for measuring electric field strength and voltage distribution on high voltage rotating machine field grading under PEC stress.
- Modelling/prediction of voltage distribution under PEC Stresses: Methods for modelling voltage distribution/stress and joule heating in non-linear field grading materials will be developed.
WP 4: Stress mapping and prediction
- Internal and external component stress: Develop frequency-dependent models for apparatuses in wind farms, and motor drives for use in Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) programs.
- System-wide modelling of stresses: Using the obtained models, set up relevant systems in suitable EMT programs for time domain simulations.
- On-site measurements in laboratory environment: Develop and build laboratory facility for testing of methods and models – scaled to be representative but still economically feasible.