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WAge - Healthy Working environments for all Ages: An evidence-driven framework

The WAge project will develop and validate the first comprehensive framework for assessing and understanding the roles and interactions between physical and psychosocial risk factors across age groups through robust modelling and policy-relevant evidence gathering.

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Effective multi-level intervention strategies

Through the proposed framework, the project will pave the way for designing, implementing and validating effective multi-level intervention strategies and policy changes for workers of all ages at the individual and organizational level. The project focuses on a question that has high societal relevance and is timely because the proportion of employees under adverse physical and psychosocial work environments is likely to increase as organisations, businesses, and workers have to adapt to post-pandemic working environments in an ageing Europe.

Develop better policies, working conditions, and social awareness

Although the overall impact of psychosocial and physical work demands on workers has been independently studied, age-sensitive research and evidence is still scarce, and a comprehensive approach to understanding functional differences across age groups and their relationships to risk factors is still lacking. Such a broad framework is particularly necessary in order to develop better policies, working conditions, and social awareness for beter health management during the whole working life.

Physical and psychosocial risk factors

The WAge project will develop and validate the first comprehensive framework for assessing and understanding the roles and interactions between physical and psychosocial risk factors across age groups through participatory modelling and policy-relevant evidence gathering.

Through the proposed framework, the project will pave the way for the design, implementation and validation of effective multi-level intervention strategies and policy changes for workers of all ages at individual and organisational levels.

High societal relevance

The project focuses on a ques􀆟on that has high societal relevance and is timely as the proportion of workers under adverse physical and psychosocial work environments is likely to increase as organisations, companies, and workers must adapt to post-pandemic work environments in an ageing Europe.

Ill.: Shutterstock

Key facts

Project duration

2023 - 2027


Horizon Europe: 101137207


Faculdade de Motricidade Humana Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia, Universitat Jaume I, University of Stirling, Monash University Malaysia, SEAT SA, Walk With Path, Central Institure of Labor Protection Poland

Project type