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Energy efficiency at dairies: Development and integration of ice slurry technology

Development of an energy efficient method for thermal energy storage using ice slurry in dairies, with a focus on reducing peak loads, optimising energy use and ensuring high product quality.

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Norway has set ambitious targets to reduce the use of fossil fuels, increase the use of wind and solar energy and improve energy efficiency in industry. In Røros, where electricity can be scarce and expensive, optimising industrial energy consumption is critical—especially in the food industry, where energy demand fluctuates throughout the day.

Higher energy efficiency and lower electricity consumption

This project focuses on integrating ice slurry technology as a cold thermal energy storage solution for dairy production. Unlike traditional ice banks, ice slurry production using the supercooling method maintains a stable evaporation temperature, leading to higher energy efficiency and lower electricity consumption. Studies have shown that switching to ice slurry can reduce energy use by a constant and elevated evaporation pressure.

In collaboration between SINTEF Ocean and Rørosmeieriet AS, the project will evaluate existing ice slurry systems, assess their impact on energy demand, and develop a compact, efficient storage solution to reduce peak loads and ensure reliable cooling.

The goal is to create scalable, sustainable cooling strategies that support future dairy production growth and ensures product the quality also in the warm summer month. 

The project partners would like to thank the Norwegian Regional Research Fund for financial support for the realisation of this research [Norwegian Regional Research Council, project no. 3555 71].

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Project duration

2025 - 2026