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Norwegian Research Centre of Excellence for Carbon Capture and Storage

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gigaCCS aims to accelerate the deployment of CCS at a gigatonne scale, to create competitive technologies, increase value, reduce risks, and help meet Norwegian and global emissions reduction targets for 2030 and 2050.

CCS deployment at gigatonne scale is vital for a just and sustainable transition to net-zero emissions as CCS technology offers the potential to significantly reduce emissions from energy and industrial processes and enable large-scale carbon dioxide removal (CDR).

Leveraging 40 years of CCS history, gigaCCS is designed to add substantial momentum to the field of CCS and build the necessary exponential growth in CCS capacity. The FME will spearhead frontier research and innovations, develop solutions for a net-zero society, educate CCS specialists, and strengthen the competence base required for accelerated CCS implementation.

Illustration of GigaCSS

The FME’s research activities will be organised into four Mission Areas:

  • Capture and CDR (MA1)

  • Infrastructure (MA2)

  • Storage (MA3)

  • CCS Value Chains (MA4)

The main objective of gigaCCS is to advance Norway’s CCS leadership and support the global implementation of CCS at gigatonne scale by conducting targeted, interdisciplinary industry-driven research and generating innovation in a centre of excellence dedicated to fostering capacity and world-leading expertise.

gigaCCS is comprised of 44 partners and coordinated by SINTEF. The partners include research institutes, universities, energy companies, transport operators, industry emitters, supply chain, and technology developers.

gigaCCS research partners:

FME gigaCCS is partly financed through The Research Council of Norway's Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research program.


Key Factors

Project duration

2025 - 2032

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