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Knowledge and measures to reduce risk for workers in the aquaculture industry

The project will develop new knowledge and propose measures to reduce the risk for personnel in the aquaculture industry. A particular focus is safety challenges that arise at the interface between different organisations.

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In the period 2012-2022, there were 10 fatalities in the Norwegian aquaculture. Several of the fatalities happened during maintenance-related operations and lift operations involving work.

Previous studies related to safety in the aquaculture industry have not looked at safety challenges in the interface between organisations. However, from other industries we know that there are several safety challenges related to outsourcing, for example related to financial pressure, increased complexity and dilution of important expertise.

Different regulations apply to employees in shipping companies and on the fish farms, and results from the HSE survey in aquaculture 2023 highlighted that employees who work in independent shipping companies and with suppliers experiencing challenges when working with the fish farming companies.

There is a need to better understand how companies cooperate today and what risk factors exist to be able to propose measures that can bring about positive long-term change. Sharing experience across companies to learn from incidents that occur is an example of a concrete measure that can be valuable in reducing risk for those working in the industry.

The project has four objectives:

  1. Document risk factors and how cooperation and interaction processes between different actors affect the risk for personnel in aquaculture operations
  2. Propose measures that can work across different actors and contribute to removing or reducing the risk for personnel in aquaculture operations
  3. Communicate proposed measures and work processes in appropriate formats
  4. Develop an appropriate and agreed process for sharing incidents and shared learning that is accessible to the entire industry


Results will be published at

Key facts


Project duration

2025 - 2027