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LiPe - Transformer Liquid Dielectric Withstand Performance

This project is working on new insulation fluids for transformers that can be more sustainable, safer, and better at cooling.

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figure about LiPe-project

Liquid-insulated transformers, containing 5-80 tons of liquid, are vital for electrification and energy security. New insulating liquids can be more sustainable, safer, and better at cooling. However, the lack of standards for evaluating their dielectric withstand performance creates design challenges and uncertainty, slowing the development and usage of new technologies. 

Project goals:

  • Establish methods for documenting, predicting, and testing the withstand performance of insulating liquids, qualifying them use in specific transformer designs.
  • Test the hypothesis that electric breakdown in dielectric liquids is governed by electron avalanches in a space-charge-limited electric field.


Key facts

Project duration

2024 - 2028


LiPe is a Knowledge-building Project for Industry funded by the Research Council of Norway and the partners. 

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