Sustainability and democracy in the Norwegian labor market
Through a multi-year research project, SINTEF researchers aim to generate new knowledge about the work environment and working conditions for employees in Norway.
Through a multi-year research project, SINTEF researchers aim to generate new knowledge about the work environment and working conditions for employees in Norway.
The goal of the multi-year project is to gain knowledge about the use of Virtual Reality as a tool to help people who struggle mentally and live socially isolated lives.
Municipal mental health and substance abuse work includes prevention, mapping and investigation, treatment, rehabilitation, follow-up and harm reduction.
Early in January 2013 the Norwegian Directorate of Health completed a work study of models for municipal co-financing of mental health and drug abuse (TSB).
The project goal is to provide new and important knowledge of cooperative and communicative structures between the multilevel collaborating parties working together on several areas, among them the IA Agreement and the Job Strategy.
The Government's Jobs Strategy for People with Disabilities is aimed at people under the age of 30 with disabilities who are not included at the labour market. SINTEF has been commissioned to evaluate the implementation of the strategy. The main...
For the second time SINTEF has now evaluated the Agreement on an Inclusive Working life (IA Agreement). The IA Agreement is a comprehensive agreement which currently comprises 60 % of Norwegian employees. The agreement is an important step towards...
In this project we will provide knowledge about the challenges local government faces when it comes to following up the current IA agreement, and the issues that are particularly important to focus on in order to protect local and regional...
The basic data in this report is founded upon detailed surveys performed of 3 122 patients who receive 24-hour treatment in psychiatric health work or interdisciplinary spesialised treatment for substance use (TSB).
How can disability and absenteeism/-duration of absenteeism be reduced through a systematic and qualitatively good follow-up of people on sick leave? On behalf of the Chief Municipal Executive in Trondheim municipality and Trondheim municipal Pension...
Statistics of the 2007 – 2011 man-years and analyses of municipal variation in psychiatric health work in the municipalities.
Every 5 years since 1979 SINTEF has performed nationally extensive registries of patients in mental health care. The registries have included all patients in 24-hour institutions and under private care at the time of registry. From 1989 onwards...
Although the increased proportion of female managers is one of the few bright spots, a study shows that the gender-segregated labor market in the years 1990-2010 is characterised by continuity rather than change. The survey shows that the proportion...
Man statistics and analysis of local variation.
Does the current regime work? Follow-up, dialogue, reporting, controls and sanctions.
Mental health care in the municipalities include prevention, diagnosis and function, early intervention and treatment in general, rehabilitation, follow-up, psychosocial support and counseling and referral to specialist services. The possessing...
This report demonstrates analyses and descriptive presentations of the efforts in man-labour years within municipal psychiatric health work during the years 2007 to 2012. In 2012, 11 995 total man-labour years within municipal psychiatric health work...