ReHydro will introduce a new paradigm to boost European leadership and competitiveness in the hydropower industry and provide new sustainable solutions that are replicable at European and global levels.
ReHydro will introduce a new paradigm to boost European leadership and competitiveness in the hydropower industry and provide new sustainable solutions that are replicable at European and global levels.
Precipitation and temperature will change in future climates, presenting new challenges and opportunities for Norwegian hydropower. We anticipate an increase in the frequency, duration, and severity of extreme events such as floods, droughts, and...
Fish on their downstream migration in rivers often encounter hydropower dams and intakes and tend to follow the main flow into the turbines where they may be injured or killed. While fine-meshed racks with a bypass can prevent fish from entering...
This project will investigate if Norwegian hydropower can play a major role in climate change mitigation.
FITHydro - Fish friendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower
Snow conditions have an important impact on nature and human society. In Norway, one third of the annual precipitation falls as snow and snow information is important economically (hydropower), for infrastructure (construction safety and transport...
The overall objective of FutureHydro is to promote bilateral exchange of knowledge, technology and experience between Norway and China and enlarge the scientific knowledge regarding the use of hydropower and pump-storage as a battery to balance...
The main objective of EcoManage is to test, evaluate and adapt new concepts and indicators for the improved development and management of energy and water resources.
SusGrid is an interdisciplinary research project focusing on how knowledge of economic, social and environmental interests can provide good and predictable processes related to formal processing of grid development projects.
Interdisciplinary research centre for technical and environmental development of hydro power, wind power, power line rights-of-way and implementation of environment and energy policy.
More flexible operation of hydropower systems could lead to more frequent and rapid changes in water flow.
GOVREP will produce policy recommendations for sustainable electricity production.
More salmon can grow up with small adaptions in hydro power technology and operation.