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VulPro - Risk and vulnerability prognosis for power system development and asset management

To be able to integrate new load demand and generation in an ageing power system, we need to better utilize the components of the power system, while at the same time ensuring the reliability of electricity supply.

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In the knowledge-building project VulPro (Risk and Vulnerability Prognosis for power system development and asset management), SINTEF Energy Research has been collaborating with NTNU, Statnett, Landsnet and NVE to give power system planners new knowledge, methods and tools that capture the relationship between component condition and power system reliability.

Power system planning includes both long-term system development and mid-term asset management. Examples of decisions within power system development are where and when to reinforce or expand the grid, while mid-term asset management includes decisions about existing assets, such as when to renew or maintain power transformers.

Traditionally, the risk analyses used to inform mid-term asset management decisions focus (left-hand side of the figure below) on single components in the power system, for example transformers, but do not properly account for their importance for the reliability of supply. Risk analyses for power system development take a more high-level power system perspective that often neglect individual components and their characteristics (right-hand side of the figure below). They do not account for how a component’s condition influences its probability of failure and how this contributes to the risk with regard to the reliability of supply. VulPro has contributed to bridging this “gap” between individual components and the power system in analyses of reliability of supply.

The project has developed methodologies for estimating the risk with respect to reliability of supply associated to alternative asset management and system development decisions and how this risk may evolve over the next years and decades. For a popular science summary of the main results and conclusions from the project, see this blog post. The project results are also summarized in a slide deck of one-page summaries:

  1. Summary of the results from the VulPro project
  2. The impact of the technical condition of power transformers on the reliability of supply
  3. Risk based asset management strategies
  4. The combined impact of mid-term asset management and system development on reliability of supply
  5. Modelling the outage duration of power transformers
  6. Simulating rare interruption events in reliability of supply analysis
  7. Capturing the relationship between component condition and power system reliability – transformers vs. circuit breakers
  8. The impact of high-voltage circuit breaker condition on power system reliability

Blog posts:



Conference and journal articles:

Master theses:

Key facts

Project duration

2020 - 2024


This is a Knowledge-building Project for Industry financed by the Research Council of Norway.

Project partners:

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