Employers report a shortfall in some competences deemed essential to have in the repertoire, such as ‘capacity to analyse and solve problems’ and ‘ability to develop new and innovative ideas, directions, opportunities or improvements’. The analytical learning and competence building approaches that have proven efficient when dealing with simple and complicated problems prove inefficient when confronted with complex problems. Today, the main route to reducing Time-To-Competence is a bespoke face-to-face or blended course, which tends to be resource-intensive. What are needed are methods to effectively and economically address dynamic competence development rapidly. TARGET achieves a step by integrating five significant developments needed in combination for sustainable agility: Threshold Concepts, Knowledge Ecology, Cognitive Load Theory, Learning Communities and Experience Management (using Serious Games). The solution explored in TARGET takes into account changes in the external environment to allow users to become aware about those changes and modify their learning plans to suit. This delivers added value on the social, economic and academic dimension, compared to today's mainstream learning environments and tools. The TARGET research results have led to the incorporation of the HighSkillz start-up, with scheduled release of the commercial platform in 2013