Four catch control devices were tested in the Barents Sea cod fishery. Three of the devices were codends
that close and partially detach from the rest of the trawl when they have filled up with the desired amount
of fish. Each of these three systems had a different release mechanism (based on an acoustic releaser or a
weak link). The fourth prototype was a codend with two side splits along the gear in the N-direction. For
each prototype, the simplicity of the device, its cost, and its operational reliability in securing the desired
catch size while releasing excess fish at fishing depth were evaluated.
that close and partially detach from the rest of the trawl when they have filled up with the desired amount
of fish. Each of these three systems had a different release mechanism (based on an acoustic releaser or a
weak link). The fourth prototype was a codend with two side splits along the gear in the N-direction. For
each prototype, the simplicity of the device, its cost, and its operational reliability in securing the desired
catch size while releasing excess fish at fishing depth were evaluated.