A study of charge collection in SINTEF 3D active edge
silicon detectors was carried out at ANSTO using Ion Beam InducedCharge
(IBIC) technique.An IBIC study has shown that several
different geometries of 3D detectors have full depletion under
low applied bias. The effect of fast neutron and gamma radiation
on their charge collection efficiency was also investigated. A 3D active
edge silicon detector technology has demonstrated extremely
promising performance for application of the 3D Sensitive Volumes
(SVs) fabrication methods to SOI microdosimetry.
silicon detectors was carried out at ANSTO using Ion Beam InducedCharge
(IBIC) technique.An IBIC study has shown that several
different geometries of 3D detectors have full depletion under
low applied bias. The effect of fast neutron and gamma radiation
on their charge collection efficiency was also investigated. A 3D active
edge silicon detector technology has demonstrated extremely
promising performance for application of the 3D Sensitive Volumes
(SVs) fabrication methods to SOI microdosimetry.