The state of the art in laser and laser-arc hybrid welding of thick steel
components is reviewed, particularly with respect to possible
applications in the oil and gas industry. The most relevant information
comes from the shipbuilding industry, where the CO2 laser-GMAW
process was taken in use about 15-20 years ago. The different aspects
of these welding techniques are briefly discussed, including different
laser-arc hybrid techniques and mechanical properties of welds. A brief
review of numerical welding simulation techniques is performed with
main focus on the use of the WeldsimS software, which allows
predictions of heat flow, microstructure and residual stresses after
components is reviewed, particularly with respect to possible
applications in the oil and gas industry. The most relevant information
comes from the shipbuilding industry, where the CO2 laser-GMAW
process was taken in use about 15-20 years ago. The different aspects
of these welding techniques are briefly discussed, including different
laser-arc hybrid techniques and mechanical properties of welds. A brief
review of numerical welding simulation techniques is performed with
main focus on the use of the WeldsimS software, which allows
predictions of heat flow, microstructure and residual stresses after