dependence of the time domain dielectric response of a
virgin stress control sleeve commonly used in heat shrink
joints has been studied. The result show that the
conductivity of the stress control sleeve is strongly
temperature dependent and that space charge
phenomenon build up even at average fields less than 1
kV/mm. The space charge buildup also causes
anomalous depolarization currents where the polarity is
the same as that for the polarization currents, especially
at the temperature above the melting peak of the material
virgin stress control sleeve commonly used in heat shrink
joints has been studied. The result show that the
conductivity of the stress control sleeve is strongly
temperature dependent and that space charge
phenomenon build up even at average fields less than 1
kV/mm. The space charge buildup also causes
anomalous depolarization currents where the polarity is
the same as that for the polarization currents, especially
at the temperature above the melting peak of the material