The objectives of this project have been to provide detailed information about the size, orientation and location of pinbones in fillets of cod, haddock, saithe and salmon. For each spices 16 fillets were CT scanned and analyzed. The bones and fillet were segmented and length, thickness, position and orientation of the pinbones were estimated. Comparison with manual control measurements for some of the fillets showed that all the bones were detected, but there were some deviations in the length and thickness measures. These deviations were mainly due to limitations in CT resolution. In this study we found that all the spices have a mean pinbone thickness of 0.8-0.9mm, the mean number of bones is 7 for saithe and haddock, 13 for cod and 29 for salmon. We present in this report initial analysis of the data. However, the goal of this project has primarily been to assemble a relevant dataset as a basis for further analysis. To enable independent analysis, all data is made available electronically for download.
Oppdragsgiver: FHF
Oppdragsgiver: FHF