This report is the final deliverable from Task 4 of the Research Infrastructures RTD project""Development and implementation of novel Image Velocimetry techniques to large scale hydraulicfacilities"" (HYDRIV). This project is carried out as part of the Enhancing Access to ResearchInfrastructures (ARI) Action of the EU Fifth Framework Improving Human Potential (IHP) Programmeunder Contract No. HPRI-CT-1999-50019. During the project the software and hardware used to enable 3D particle tracking velocimetry (PTV)measurements have been significantly upgraded. The software now consists of a few basic modules:Image Acquisition, Calibration, Analysis and Visualization. The hardware consists of three monochromecameras connected to a synchronization box, which again is connected to a frame grabber in a PC.Depending on the image acquisition rate the images are saved directly to hard disc or first stored in RAM before being saved to a hard disc. The system has been tested successfully in the rotating basins at SINTEF in Trondheim (Norway) andLEGI in Grenoble (France). Results from these experiments are presented in several conferences.