CPX-measurements (tyre A) have been performed on a wide range of ordinary dense Norwegian road pavements and special test pavements, as part of the R&D project “Environmental friendly pavements” initiated by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The following conclusions can be made from the investigation:- New dense asphalt concrete pavements can give a tyre/road noise level (CPX) of 4-8 dB(A) lower noise level, compared to a chosen reference level for a pavement of type AC 0/11 and SMA 0/11. However, after the first winter season with exposure to studded tyres, the noise levels seems to increase with approximately 3-4 dB(A).- Dense asphalt concrete pavements with a smaller maximum chipping size (6-8 mm) give a higher initial noise reduction, but is more sensible to winter condition and traffic exposure, than pavements with 11-16 mm.- Thin layers tested in the project seem to behave in the same manner as dense asphalt concrete pavements. - Porous pavements tested in the project gives an initial noise reduction of 5-9 dB(A), compared to the reference level. Mainly due to wear and winter conditions, the noise reduction is only in the order of 1-2 dB(A) after 2-3 years of traffic. - Further research and development are needed to achieve low noise pavements that can give a reasonable noise reduction (> 3 dB) over a “normal” lifetime of 6-7 years in a Nordic climate.
Oppdragsgiver: Norwegian Public Roads Administration, The Norwegian Research Council
Oppdragsgiver: Norwegian Public Roads Administration, The Norwegian Research Council