The plastic properties of an aluminium alloy are defined by its microstructure. The most important factors are the presence of alloying elements in the form of solid solution and precipitates of various sizes, and the crystallographic texture. A nanoscale model that predicts the work-hardening curves of 6xxx aluminium alloys was proposed by Myhr et al. The model predicts the solid solution concentration and the particle size distributions of different types of metastable precipitates from the chemical composition and thermal history of the alloy. The yield stress and the work hardening of the alloy are then determined from dislocation mechanics. The model was largely used for non-textured materials in previous studies. In this work, a crystal plasticity-based approach is proposed for the work hardening part of the nanoscale model, which allows including the influence of the crystallographic texture. The model is evaluated by comparison with experimental data from uniaxial tensile tests on two textured 6xxx alloys in five temper conditions.