Performance measurement has been applied systematically in many different sectors to drive
improvements in productivity. Attempts have been made to establish measurements and
benchmarking in the construction sector, but we still have not reached a situation where
performance is measured systematically and consistently along the construction process. This
paper reviews performance measurement theory pertaining to the construction sector to
understand how performance is currently measured. Using participative workshops and
interviews, we have mapped requirements of different stakeholders toward a performance
measurement system. Based on literature and collected data, we outline issues to consider when
attempting to develop further mechanisms for measurement. We also report briefly from a study
to analyze different measurement and benchmarking systems to understand strengths and
weaknesses of these initiatives. Based on this analysis, we have in Norway established a project
to systematically test the CII 10-10 system to see whether it can meet measurement
requirements at several levels in the construction sector.
improvements in productivity. Attempts have been made to establish measurements and
benchmarking in the construction sector, but we still have not reached a situation where
performance is measured systematically and consistently along the construction process. This
paper reviews performance measurement theory pertaining to the construction sector to
understand how performance is currently measured. Using participative workshops and
interviews, we have mapped requirements of different stakeholders toward a performance
measurement system. Based on literature and collected data, we outline issues to consider when
attempting to develop further mechanisms for measurement. We also report briefly from a study
to analyze different measurement and benchmarking systems to understand strengths and
weaknesses of these initiatives. Based on this analysis, we have in Norway established a project
to systematically test the CII 10-10 system to see whether it can meet measurement
requirements at several levels in the construction sector.